Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Leslie Pontz

AQatS Friend and former Committee Member

In 1999 Leslie participated in the brainstorming meeting for what became the annual PieceWorks Festival of the Sedgwick Cultural Center and ArtQuilts at the Sedgwick--its visual centerpiece. While serving on the Committee, Leslie cultivated relationships within the art world; forged alliances and built partnerships to promote the art quilt.

Click the photo to view Leslie's work

Crocheted Metal Sculpture

March 31 - April 28, 2006
Opening reception: March 31, 2006

Crafts for Living Gallery
3502 Scotts Lane
Philadelphia, PA 19129

Gallery hours
Monday – Friday: 10am - 5pm
Saturday: 11am - 4pm
Also, by appointment

The gallery is located in East Falls at Sherman Properties at East Falls. Directions are available.

Leslie Pontz ‘pushes the envelope' using crocheted wire and quilting techniques creating non-traditional fiber sculpture, weaving metal and fabric together. The fiber sculpture that she creates is an outgrowth of her need to see her two-dimensional artwork in a three-dimensional format. By combining the translucent materials of silk organza with crocheted wire organic forms, she creates an environment in which light is important—the three-dimensional forms allows the light to come through the layers and allows the viewer to see through to the inner life of the sculpture.

An important component of her works is the introduction of rusted industrial elements that provide an exciting texture when juxtaposed against the organic forms of crocheted wire and the gentle, flowing forms of silk organza. These juxtapositions of elements investigate an art full of opposites that are far more interesting together than independently.

Leslie favors the rawness of her finished work and finds it invigorating to work without boundaries and rules. She likes the idea of stretching the boundaries; of "shoulds and shouldn’ts"; of perfection and imperfection.

Leslie holds a masters degree in printmaking from Syracuse University and was the recipient of two grants from the National Endowment for the Arts. She has shown internationally in invitational and juried exhibits in Paris, Brazil and Venezuela as well as throughout the U.S. She is a co-founder of ArtQuilts at the Sedgwick, a nationally acclaimed Philadelphia based art quilt exhibition and is presently represented by the Snyderman/Works Gallery also in Philadelphia. She is included in many private and public collections.